I would love to read your responses!!
Someday: I will dye my hair (when I go gray).
I usually: eat breakfast
after I get the kids off to school.
I regret: buying a stupid timeshare.
I love: my husband, a lot.
I care: so much about people, even those I meet on the street.
I always: read
your blog posts :) (if they are really lengthy I skim).
I am not: as tall as I wish I were.
I remember: people's names.
I believe: you can train children to do almost anything, it just takes patience, persistence, and love.
I dance: better than most people (aren't I humble?)
I sing: almost every day.
I don’t always: floss every night ;).
I argue: less than I used to (surprise, surprise!)
I write: individual messages on all the Christmas cards I send out.
I lose: my tan over the winter :(
I wish: that I didn't have to age...I listen: to everything but country.
I don't understand: how the FDA gets away with so many things (or how those who work for the FDA can live with themselves).
I can be found: at home most of the day.
I am scared: of modern-day Jihad.
I need: very little.
I forget: to rely more on faith than the arm of my flesh.
I am happy: that I am so blessed with family and friends that love me.