Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I is for Internet [Safety]

At some point in your child's young life you have to talk about strangers. This is, hopefully, not a one time deal. They need to be aware of what to do in various scenarios/situations. Amongst many things, they have to be taught that appearances can be deceiving. This brings me to this topic, internet safety.

This is something that parents need to be greatly involved in--for their safety and the safety of their children. Here are a couple of quizzes for you to take, for starters:



Maybe you are really smart and knew all the answers. Good for you--but you still need to be careful. Some quick thoughts on basic internet safety:

1. Keep all computers in high traffic areas--not bedrooms. This is kind of a challenge with wi-fi and all sorts of wireless handhelds available. Maybe opt to not have wireless devices.

2. Purchase and use internet filter software. Check out some comparisons and buy the one that best suits your needs:



There are so many wonderful features with the filters--many of them allow you to set up how sensitive you want alerts and filters to be--many, many options--it's awesome.

3. Be in the room when your a family member has to use the internet. Instruct them to never download anything from unknown or questionable sources, never give out ANY personal information, discourage chat rooms, bookmark sites so as not to have to search for them, not to use free peer-to-peer or chat-based programs to download material, and to use credible search engines.

4. Teach family members to have the courage to turn things off, as there are always ways to bypass filtering or sometimes something sneaks past the filter. By definition, pornography is any visual or written medium created with the intent to sexually stimulate. Teach yourself and family members, "If it turns you on--turn it off--IMMEDIATELY!" An educated man once noted that all males are addicted to pornography without even having to view it. Yes, males are very visual, but female viewing of pornography is also on the rise. The following link lists some alarming statistics: http://internet-filter-review.toptenreviews.com/internet-pornography-statistics.html

5. Finally, practice these tips yourself!! While blogs are all the rage consider making yours password-protected. I've seen some blogs where people list their addresses and schools that their children attend--not a safe move, parents! (Even pictures of your child in front of their school are unwise). If you do not wish to make your blog private than at least refer to your family members by made-up names, "Handsome hubby," "Princess #1," "Superkid," etc....

My intention is not to scare you, but to help you protect your family. It's up to you!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

H is for Housework

Joy of joys--housework!! I used to hate some aspects of it, especially the little chores that constantly need to be redone. For me, especially, it was cleaning up the area wherever the youngest child ate. Kids eat 4 or 5 times a day. At one point I noticed that I was almost holding a grudge against the youngest child for the messes that they unknowingly were creating. I came to grips with myself and after some serious pondering, decided that this was the stage of my life, cleaning up after babies--might as well do it with a smile. It sounds cheesy, but really, it was my change in attitude that made the difference.

I have always loved having a clean house. And I have always loved delegating. The two work together in housework.

First off, parents of little ones: notice how your baby or toddler will sometimes try to do a chore with you. While you may be annoyed at their desire to take out all the spoons from the dishwasher, realize that they are trying to help--Let them! We have children's size brooms, dustpans, pretend vacuum cleaners, etc. And all kids love feather dusters. From my experience, two-year-olds can learn to fold washcloths and match socks.

Older children, even those who "helped" with the chores when they were toddlers, get to a point where they don't want to do chores. I suggest a chore chart for each child with their daily tasks listed so they can have a way to check them off. Allowance, based on doing chores, is perfect for teaching cause and effect. And, of course, every wise parent knows that making the task a game helps tremendously. Here are some of my favorites:

1. Beat the timer: Set the timer--whatever toys/objects are not put away before it beeps are gone for a day/week, however long you think is fair.

2. Toy card game: Cut index cards in half. Write a different adjective, that describe toys, on one side and draw a simple picture representing that adjective. For instance, "red" and color a little spot of red on the card, or "toys with numbers" and draw numbers. Even young children, who can't read yet, understand the simple pictures. Make several different cards. Put them in an envelope. When it's time to clean up, each child takes a card, cleans up all the toys that fit that adjective, and then choose another, etc.

3. Clean up to music--singing or listening: Barney's "Clean-Up Song" while annoying, really works for little kids!
http://www.ilovewavs.com/TV/ChilShow/Barney/Barney.htm (scroll down to "Barney-Clean up" and click on it).

4. Practice counting by having them count how many toys they pick up. Maybe even have them estimate beforehand how many toys they think need to be put away.

I have redone chore charts over the years, since their availability and abilities have changed throughout childhood. But, even a busy teenager, involved in everything under the sun, needs to learn the value of work and contributing in the home. By the time I was 15 I was prepping and cooking dinner every Sunday--since that was the only evening I was home and my mom wasn't going to let me have a free ride throughout my teenage years--and bless her for that!!

Now, don't think I sit back taking advantage of child labor or anything. I have a simple chore chart for myself and here it is, in case you're wondering or in case you need one yourself:

This chore chart works for me because I only spend about 10-30 minutes doing these things each day. This helps me not to procrastinate and then have one day when I'm just running around trying to clean up everything--yuck! Also, it keeps the house pretty clean, you know, not just picked up, but actually clean. Aww.... *sigh*

Anyway, remember, delegate, keep smiling and maybe "whistle while you work!"