Monday, September 2, 2019

A Marvelous Work!

What a miracle the light of the gospel brings!!!! 

Five years ago, my oldest child was a freshman in high school. She ran cross-country. She met many new friends on the team and, just in general, from being new to the school and area. One girl did not stand out a lot to her and that same girl found my daughter slightly annoying. But they became friends and over the course of the high school—best friends! My daughter invited her to church dances and special music performances at church. 

Who can say exactly when her friend begin to search for more meaning in life. Perhaps the two of them can pinpoint something. But to me, I don’t know that exact moment. Her friend gradually began to come to every church meeting and meet with the missionaries in our home. This eventually led to her choosing to be baptized right after high school graduation. And now she is leaving to serve a full-time mission for the Lord! 

I have witnessed, am witnessing, a miracle! It is amazing the light that her friend is and knowing that the spark inside her was fueled by my daughter’s caring heart and her own light. Let it shine! What joy we feel as these two wonderful women are our serving the Lord and sharing that light with God’s children!!!!

Baptism June 2019...

My #2 daughter has also became close friends with her. While #1 has been away on her mission, our dear friend and #2 have had ample time to hang out and prepare for her mission. 

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