Monday, December 29, 2014

I miss them!

Each year, they come less and less as more and more move to green and green.
Yes, I speak of Christmas cards. Actual, physical, tangible Christmas cards. 
And, I have to say, I miss them. Though I know your love is real, the e-cards, e-mails, and posts, don't convey it as much. Just as me texting *hugs* to someone is not the same as giving that person a big, warm, actual, physical, tangible hug. 

I know my family has moved A LOT in the past years, but I still send cards to your addresses and they have my current one included. 

I understand that many are opting for the easier, cheaper, and supposedly greener way of not sending physical cards. Christmas is a time of generosity and for this I appreciate those who are still sending Christmas cards. And to those who don't do it anymore, I still love hearing from you and will take what I can get. *Hugs*


Our family said...

Ha! I have one sitting in my office with your name on it, but I was waiting to receive your card so I could get your newest address. :) I wasn't organised enough this year to figure out missing or questionable addresses. If you send me yours, I'll send you mine!

Eva said...

I hope you received ours! ;)

SuburbiaMom said...

Eva--yes. Christy--mine's on its way to you :). You two are faithful; I love it!!!

Tara said...

I'm faithful, too!!

And I completely agree, the electronic cards are not even close to the good old fashioned, traditional cards.