Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Goals hit; goals missed....

Just a quick reflection on this past year and what I'd set out to get done.  Had some goals, too.  Some, I made!  Others...I didn't!

Teach the youngest to be more self-sufficient.

I realized this a few weeks ago that he doesn't need me for much now, just an occasional shoe-tying and a listening ear, really.  His clothes, that he picks out, usually match too. 

Not procrastinating so much.

I have to do stuff like, placing my church bag in the car a few days in advance, but it's helped!  Also, I seem to do really well when I make lists.  I like lists, and charts, and graphs, and nerdy things that make me look like I know what I'm doing :).  Even if I lose some of the lists, I most often remember what I wrote down and then it gets done--in time!

Not buying any frames or canvases from Aaron Brothers until I used up my current stash.

If I ever had to work a retail job I would pick Aaron Brothers  I love all their cool frames and all the art supplies.  It is one of my favorite stores!  I haven't set foot in an Aaron Brothers for a WHOLE YEAR now!  I still have five canvases up in my bedroom, two in my closet and about four frames that I haven't used, yet.  This has been a hard thing for me, to not go to this store.  Especially, their twice-a-year 1-cent sales.  Go me--virtual pat on the back here!

Learning to drive a maual car.
I have at least two meetings a week that I have to go to for my church calling.  It would make since for me to take the small car.  The honda civic, that my hubby takes to work, gets much better gas mileage than the van.  But, hence, I still can't drive it.  We, my hubby and I, have gone out few of times in the year, to a nearby parking lot, in attempts for him to teach me to drive it.  But, alas, I hate it!  I have been driving for 18 years now, always with automatic cars and I am extremely frustrated with manual cars.  But, I know I need to learn to drive the stupid thing, so I will work on this next year.  We have both decided that our kids are learning on manual cars first, when it's time for them to learn to drive.  Than they won't end up severely auto-operated handicapped, like their mother.

Losing weight

Nah, just kidding.  That wasn't a goal of mine.  As you probably know, I'm doing the opposite--pregnancy tends to do that :)

Hope you all are enjoying this Christmas season and not beating yourself up too much for the goals you didn't meet.  Look back at what you did accomplish!


Becca and fam said...

Great job on your goals! Driving a stick is hard, good luck with learning that one. Do you have a name picked out for the baby?

ldsjaneite said...

I'm still hoping to learn to drive manual--but I never have access to a car that is manual!

Fun goals--good job meeting them!

Susan said...

Good job. I'm horrible about setting/keeping goals. Hey, maybe that should be my goal. :)

Alanna said...

If it makes you feel better, our ONLY car for over a year was a manual and I tried a couple of times as well, but I still can't drive a manual. Dustin just did ALL the driving. I mean I have a couple times with people in the passenger seat guiding me every step or the way, but that doesn't count.

(This is back in our BYU days without kids)