(Random picture that my 3-year-old took a month ago. Decided I'd
better post it since the following pictures are ugly shots of me).
Acclimation: To prepare my lungs from 1,200 ft. elevation to the 8,000 ft. elevation of the Utah Wasatch Back, a Ragnar Relay http://www.ragnarrelay.com/index.php, I ran with weights on. Four weeks before race day I started with just 3 pounds. I gradually increased the weight until I was running with 12 pounds extra weight. I also ran the monstrous hills near my home (8-10% grade) with the weights on, of course! So, I missed my kids' last day of school (June 19) to fly out and run my race, but I'm happy to say that my lungs were ready and I was able to breath just fine!
.O. 188 miles from Logan to Park City--this distance was shared by me and my 11 teammates--Go team Lightspeed! I was runner #12 and thus ran legs 12, 24, and 36. I only knew 3 of my teammates, prior to the race. We were in the same ward in San Diego. They were in vehicle #2, with me, as well as two other teammates. We were runners 7-12. Vehicle #1 had runners 1-6. (Everyone's total individual mileage ended up being between 13-18 miles).C
ontacts: I was in very few photos during our race. I'd like to say it's because I'm so fast that they couldn't catch me, but in reality it was that one of my contacts had broken a week prior to the race and the new ones hadn't come in yet. I don't like wearing glasses, let's just say that.
Here I am all dorked up--glasses, reflector vest, headlamp, flashing LED lamp.
Anyone who ran between the hours of 8pm and 6:30am had to wear this stuff.
ecorations: Here's how we decorated our vehicles.
xhilerating: Being greeted by this sunrise in the sleepy town of Coalville, UT.
And, how it felt to be at the top of this mountain on the hardest and highest leg of the race, cheering for my teammate.

And when it's not your vehicle's turn to run and you pull over to sleep and there's a snorer in the bunch and you get no sleep. Less than 2 hours of sleep in a 30 hour race = fatigue.
Glory: I wanted to be runner #12--not because I'd get to cross the finish line, but because it meant my first leg would be my hardest, my second one would be a tad easier, and my final leg would be cake.
HA! Before I started my 3rd leg I was deliberating if I should bring my jacket. The weather was cool and misty, but the runners before me stayed plenty warm. I knew I didn't have any hills but I was planning on booking it to the end. Last minute, I decided to take my little jacket.
As we runners neared the finish, race officials were radioing our numbers to the finish line. Officials there would then announce the incoming runner and the rest of their team was able to join in the final few hundred feet. My team was there and we streaked to the finish. They were so proud of me, all teams were proud of their final runners at this point--that was INSANE!!! Seriously!
Here's our team: we're arranged in running order, front row left to right, then back row, left to right.

The race was AWESOME. The finish line was ready for the 500+ teams of 12, but the rain spoiled what would have been a really sweet party. What a shame. But we still had fun!
oly Cow: 5 days after I returned we left for a family reunion at BYU's family camp for alumni and families, Aspen Grove in Utah. I love the Cascade Mountains here in western Washington. We drove a different route than usual and saw views like this:

(Not the best picture of us, but Stewart Falls was sure pretty!)
Losers: There were sport tournaments amongst all the different family groups staying at Aspen Grove all that week. Me, my hubby, my bros, and my dad participated in 3 on 3 basketball, 5 on 5 basketball, and volleyball. I didn't play in the 3 on 3 games, but I was there in case someone got injured. The other team was shocked to see a girl (me) walk out on the court. I even made 1 of our 10 total points! (We played to 21-single scoring).

My hubby, a few of my bros and I are pretty competitive and it stank to lose all those games. Most of my family members didn't really care. I've seriously been playing in competitive leagues too long, 'cause that really ticked me off (the losing, not my family). Oh well....
Muscle: Several of us did the ropes course. No one took my picture but I really did do it! This is one of my bros making his way across the high wires. Before that you had to climb up a log with some notches cut in the sides, then a climbing wall. After the wires you got to repel down. Fun stuff!!

Neighbors: We can't go anywhere without running into someone we knew beforehand. One of the other families at Aspen Grove was none other than our neighbors from the apartments that we lived in 10 years ago--it's a small world after all!!
Obsession: Most people don't know this about me, but I am obsessed with the game Dance, Dance Revolution (DDR). My husband bought it for me for Christmas a few years back (xbox 360 version). We sold the xbox and games a few months ago and I still need to get DDR for the wii. However, one afternoon at Aspen Grove--they had it!!! Yea for Dance, Dance Revolution!!
Pottery: They had a very cool pottery shed--it's built over a stream. You can sit at your pottery wheel and hear the running water below you. It's very tranquil and lovely. In such a setting you'd think that nothing in the world could go wrong.

Quiver: I did discover a hidden talent during our week at Aspen Grove (not pottery). My dad, uncle, one bro, my sis, and my hubby, and I attended the archery workshop and competition. I hadn't shot an arrow since I was 14. We were all having a good time. My hubby and uncle were consistently scoring high. I was half-messing around, trying out both compound and composite bows, even shot a few times around using the bow for lefties (I'm a righty).
The counselor in charge had stuck an arrow through a Coke can and then stuck that on the bullseye of one of the targets. When I shot at that target I hit the Coke can!! I was pretty excited and decided to take this archery thing a little more seriously. A few rounds later I was tied with a guy for 1st place (the competition was us ongoingly keeping track of our scores). We both scored 48 points out of a possible 50! A little later he shot a 49 out of 50. I never did get a 49. I guess it was impressive because I'm a girl and we were all shooting with the same bows--I didn't get a handicap or anything!

My sister snagged this shot of me; we didn't get any of me with bow fully extended.
Move over Emma--I got the "Joan of Arc" award at the end of the week!
Reunion: It was fun to have all of us together--2 parents (my mom and dad), their 8 children, 5 daughter-in-laws, 1 son-in-law (my man), and 17 grandchildren. We haven't all been together for 3 1/2 years. It was a treat.

Supplies: After driving back home I had a few weeks to prepare for girls' camp. I was to be in charge of 19 fourteen-year-old girls. I was busy buying snacks, making camp decorations and preparing little daily devotionals and cute things to put in the camp mail box for each of them every day.
Third-years: Girls' camp is for girls ages 12-17. I had the third year level girls (in there 3rd year).
Wizard of Oz: That was this year's theme. We focused on "The Power Within." Just as all the main characters in the story came to the wizard only to discover that deep inside they had had what they were seeking all along. Of course, we paralled going to the Emerald City with going to the temple, and the Lord with the wizard of Oz. We third years were Dorothy. One day we all did our hair like Dorothy and some girls had even brought cute dresses to wear.
earning: Before I met my group of girls they were just a list of names, phone numbers and email addresses. It was so wonderful to get to know each one of them as the week progressed. On the second to last day I learned that two of our girls were not baptized members of our church. They each came from a family where one parent was not a member of the church and forbade their daughter getting baptized. I heard each of them bare their testimonies on our last night of camp. Each girl bore her testimony and of their strong desire to be baptized. It made me realize that having the gospel in my life truly is a great gift. I pray that their parents will change their minds one day soon.
Wow, what a very active and busy summer you had. I'm impressed! You look great. I don't think you look dorky in glasses at all.
What a fun post! You are so creative. I just wanted to let you know that we have DDR for the Game Cube--Mario style--You're welcome to borrow it any time! (Or better yet--come to our house and show off your skills!)
And, well, as far as your Idaho post--Steve's from Eastern Idaho and it's in our unofficial pre-nup that we'll never move there! :)
You are strong! I feel like I am going to throw up every time I get on the elliptical trainer.
What a fun summer you had! I loved reading about your Ragnar race because it is so unpredictable, isn't it? Rain, or shine, come what may you have to keep running :)
It doesn't surprise me that you did so well in the archery contest, great job! I think it's great that you got to be a leader at girls camp, oh the memories. I hope back-to-school goes well, we've been back for 2 1/2 weeks already, and I agree, I do miss the summer.
Wow! You've been busy! My sister also ran in the Wasatch Back. Who knows, maybe you two passed each other along the way. Devon took a ceramics class this year and loved it...he has been dreaming about working with clay again ever since. Did I tell you how excited I am you have a blog??? So exciting!
I have a video or two of you on the Ropes course.
None of my Girls' camps were ever that involved! I mean, theme days, fooseball. Wow. I'm impressed. I love the Totos.
I would love to have DDR for my use in working out. It's the best!
You forgot to mention that said archery counsel had a crush on Miss Joan of Arc. :-) Husband present and all. Ha ha! I'm proud of my gorgeous, talented, athletic, awesome sister. Even if you can't throw a pot. :-)
Love you!
Oh, yes...that counselor. Went for the wrong sister, eh?
What a fun summer. Do you think you will do another race like that again?
Who did you run into? Was it someone from the old hood? I'm curious about the wasatch back. I've had some friends run it and it looks fun. I'm in a total running slump since I started working. Anyway, fun summer!
We ran into the Schwendimans--they were in our Wymount ward--right before we moved to Freedom 2nd ward.
Some friends and I are making plans to run the Ragnar Relay up here in WA next summer (July 23 and 24). You might miss Pioneer Day festivities in UT but you are more than welcome to join our team!!! :)
your hard core! Ragnar Relay--that's insane.
congrats on running a good race!
Wow...you have been busy!!! And, so cool about that you ran that race..how awesome. My husband just ran the 'Hood to Coast' and loved it (even though he got injured) :-(
Running in the rain is awesome! Next time you are in town, lets go running. Your family reunion sounded like so much fun. I got to see the book your mom had on it at the Fairbourn reunion. Dan loves your playlist. He keeps asking what the next song is. Have a great fall!
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