Monday, August 4, 2008

D is for Desserts

With the growing problem of obesity rates in the USA, I was really debating if I wanted to post this. Desserts are delicious. Desserts are decadent. Desserts are delectable. AND, desserts can make you fatter. So, be wise. There are countless articles about eating healthy and exercising so I don't need to preach to you; we'll save that for the results of your Google searches.

I try to be smart about eating and exercising. I do not have Obesophobia (fear of gaining weight) as in I'm not constantly obsessing about my weight. But, I try to be very in tune with my body and when it's had too much to eat or foods that are really rich, I am aware of and HATE that sluggish feeling. I limit my dessert intake to Friday nights and a small morsel on occasional Sunday evenings. Call me crazy, but I like dessert to be something special so I don't eat it every day.

I've listed below four of my favorite recipes, but before you read them I have to say a few things:

  • Desserts are fun to share. Everyone can enjoy the sweetness. If you are the recipient of an abundance of desserts, like when all the women on diets at my husband's office gave him all the Christmas treats they had received that season because they thought that since we had four children we must eat desserts all the time and I hate to waste food, the freezer is your friend! Cookies and cakes and cheesecakes freeze quite well. Frosting may come out a bit weird-looking but the treats will taste fine!!
  • I like to use unusual ingredients in my recipes some times, as you'll see in the first recipe.

  • With regards to the title of the second recipe, I have not actually found any food that I consider to be "Better than Six," but that's the title it was given so I'm keeping it.

  • I try to cook from scratch whenever possible. Convenience items are also conveniently laced with chemicals. I do use "Cool Whip" sometimes, as listed below, an exception to my rule.

  • So sorry that I didn't include pictures. I don't have the energy to make four desserts just for the sake of having pictures. Maybe if I was getting paid....

Now on to the recipes!! (Right click, save 'em to your desktop, then print whenever).

Yummy, chocolate...

I like this refreshing dessert in the summertime...

And this one in the fall...

And these make the house smell heavenly....
Bon appetit!


Susan said...

I found my copy of your chocolate lentil cake. I still think it's really good -- no one would ever know about the lentils unless it was blabbed.

Jacy said...

Yummy! I love sneaking healthy stuff into the food I make for my kids. I'll have to try these out.

Matthew said...

Sometimes I wish I had time to make desserts to try them out. I'm going to prefer lentils as a main dish and then some chocolate cake later. If you can't tell the lentils are there, that's just a darn shame because lentils are good.